Concert 3c7: La Terre Bioregional Center

Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

POB Dialogs

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La Terre Bioregional Center
To discover and utilize methods for discerning and enhancing the nature of all human relationships in order to facilitate the thriving of all sentient Earth beings and ostensibly, through that process, begin to attain a viable, sustainable, and peaceful human mode of life on Earth.

Concerting Initiatives:

Axis 3

Permaculture 3

Table 3

Concerting Projects:

La Terre
Ecological Community

Realizing Ecotopia


Co-developing the UTW and UCCS formulated anchors and bridges for maturing beyond geopolitically independent territorial states into bioregional interdependencies. [Full Framework]


Guiding the population of Ecoregion 337 (ER337) in cooperatively relating to the land, ecosystem, and native species of ER337, and also cooperating with/assisting people in maturing to the fullness of self they are encouraged to realize in order to be of service to thriving associations throughout ER337.
A3 observes La Terre Bioregional Center (LTBC) as a distinguishing steward in the earth sciences category of "Integral Relationships Between Living Things and The Places they Inhabit and Migrate".
In its C3 mapping of self-organizing interdependencies, the Chevil Até Project catalogs LTBC's observed stewardship in the Ten Sights living endeavor category of Environment and Habitat, as serving the living interests of:
  • becoming an interlinking hub of efforts to model designs of "ecological community",
  • guiding the people of Ecoregion 337 (ER337) in cooperatively and intimately relating to the land, ecosystem, one another, and to the native and migrating species of ER337,
  • and also cooperating with/assisting people in maturing to the fullness of self that is in service to thriving associations throughout ER337.

Serving these interests synergizes with A3s' coordinated efforts to:

  • establish concerts of praxis among the various social change interest represented by C3s' social organizing efforts through the Axis 3 initiative;
  • establishing consensus accords on sustainable living designs and practices among the lifestyle varieties and distinctions throughout C3s' self-organizing populace through the Permaculture 3 initiative; and
  • expand cohesive interrelationships across the archetypal, natural, and personal differences of the C3 population through the Table 3 initiative.

A3, therefore, invites LTBC to concert in examining the formulas of living that responsibly steward the relationship of NA25's population to its environment and habitat, and introducing initiatives for modeling these formulas to the Terraquista population for consideration as anchor and bridge designs of their organizing to establish UTW by:

  • co-developing a component of the La Terre Ecological Community initiative that interlinks throughout Ecoregion 337 to establish the ecoregion-wide ecological community,
  • expanding the NoBTS process of diliberative consideration on common interest topics throughout 337 opening invitation to the Realizing Ecotopia process of exploring individual callings of life purpose to all of 337,
  • extend invitation to LTBC dialogs, nature outings, retreats, and other explorations, to LTEC, NoBTS, and Realizing Ecotopia participants for more thoroughly awakening to personal aspects of full-humaness, and
  • participating in the Synergy-3 initiative for interlinking efforts related to C3s' self-organizing as Terraquista.

3C7 Concerting Proposal (Editable Draft)